Click on each Heading to see the full story.
Mandingalbay Yidinji Traditional Owners have recently completed Participatory 3 Dimensional Modelling (P3DM). This project was faciliated by the Wet Tropics Management Authority using IUCN funding and technical support from CTA. We wish to thank these agencies for this opportunity and supporting us throughout this project.
Some of our staff tell their Deadly Stories on the reconciliation website.
Videos from IPAs around Australia on the SEWPaC site
Djunbunji will no longer have a 'Chief Executive Officer'. Dale Mundraby will fill the role with the new title 'Executive Director'.
Here we'll post information on some indigenous and local training and employment schemes.
Yarrabah, 19-20 September 2013
‘Transforming Tindale’ looks at the Tindale collection, what it means to Aboriginal people and its place in Queensland’s history.
Djunbunji rangers appear on 'Living Black'
The MYSPIC partners met on June 20, and MY people on June 25
The World Indigenous Network Conference was held in Darwin in June.
MY people met in Cairns on April 12th & 13th to plan the future of MY people and country
A new 'prescribed body corporate' will manage the Combined Mandingalbay Yidinji - Gunggandji Native Title.
The PNG Minister of Environment and Conservation John Pundari visits Djunbunji
The MYAC AGM was on December 7. Click on 'MYAC AGM' above for details.
Our Annual General Meeting was on 24th November. (Click on the writing 'Djunbunji Ltd AGM' above for more information)
Mandingalbay Yidinji People held an information workshop on November 18, 2012.
Visitors from PNG look at Djunbunji ranger program
Joint MY - Gunggandji Native Title Determination handed down
Giangurra Beach, 14 September 2012
Tony Hobbs has joined Djunbunji as CEO.
Djunbunji Land and Sea Program hosted a visit from Ghungalu Traditional Owners from the Blackdown Tableland National Park area in early September.
A casual labour project commenced in late May to remove old fencing in the East Trinity Reserve.
Rangers have had the opportunity to be involved in metal fabrication, design and construction, and workshop practices with a training agreement between Djunbunji Ltd and a local workshop.
Djunbunji Rangers to undertake weed control activities on country.
In November 2010 four of our Rangers participated in a ranger exchange with the Gangalidda and Garawa Rangers based in Burketown in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Edition 12 - 08_WaW_Djunbunji_Dec_2018_-_Edition_12.pdf
Edition 11 - 07_WaW_Djunbunji_Dec18_-_Edition_11.pdf
Edition 10 - 06_WaW_Djunbunji_Dec17_-_Edition_10.pdf
Edition 9 - 05_WaW_Djunbunji_Dec_16_-_Edition_9.pdf
Edition 8 - 04_Wait-a-While_08_June_16_-_Edition_8.pdf
Edition 7 - 03_Wait-a-While_07_July_15_-_Edition_7.pdf
Edition 6- Wait-a-While_Edition_6.pdf
Edition 5 - Djunbunji_Wait-a-While_Newsletter_Dec_13_Edition.pdf
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